1. Home Study Checklist/ Instructions
  2. Application
  3. Policies and Procedures
  4. Home Study Agreement / Fee Schedule / Refund Policy
    [* mail with application]
  5. Child Abuse and Neglect Consent
    [* mail with application]
  6. Sexual Offender Registry Consent (Found in Criminal Check Packet)
  7. HIPAA Form & Criminal Acknowledgement
  8. Self Studies
    [one for each prospective parent]
  9. Employment Verification
  10. Financial Form / Mortgage verification, mortgage payment stub, or lease agreement
  11. Most Recent Federal Tax Return (Form 1040 pages 1 & 2)
  12. Medical Reports / TB and HIV test results / Urine Drug Screen Results
    [16 and older]
  13. Pediatrician Report and Immunization verification of children already in the home
    [if applicable]
  14. Health Insurance Card (copy the front and back of your insurance cards)
  15. Child Safety Agreement
  16. Criminal Background Check
  17. Arrest Disposition and Letter of Explanation
    [if applicable]
  18. 5 Reference Letters
    [one must be from a family member]
  19. Address Form
  20. FedEx Account Form
  21. Adoption Training Certificate
  22. Birth Certificates for all family members in the home / Marriage Certificate / Divorce Decree / Death Certificate / Adoption Decree for all adopted children in the household
    [photocopies only]
  23. Pet Vaccinations
  24. Pictures - front of home, child's bedroom, adoptive parent(s), children in the household
  25. Photocopy of Driver's licenses and car insurance policies
    [for all drivers in the home]
  26. Well Water Test & Septic Tank Letter
    [if applicable]
  27. Gun & Swimming Pool Safety Statement
  1. Home Study Checklist/ Instructions
  2. Application
  3. Home Study Agreement / Fee Schedule / Refund Policy
  4. Department of Children's Services Check
  5. Sexual Offender Registry Consent
  6. HIPAA Form & Criminal Acknowledgement Check
  7. Discripline Policy
  8. Self Studies
  9. Employment Verification
  10. Military Papers - DD 214 (if applicable)
  11. Financial Form
  12. Federal Tax Return for past 3 years - Form 1040 (pages 1 & 2)
  13. Medical Reports
  14. Pediatrician Report and Immunization
  15. Health Insurance Card (copy the front and back of your insurance card)
  16. Criminal Background Checks
  17. Certified Arrest Disposition and Letter of Explanation (if applicable)
  18. Address Form
  19. FedEx Account Number Form
  20. Photocopy of Driver's Licenses and Car Insurance Policies (for all drivers in the home)
  21. Birth Certificates for all family members in the home / Marriage certificate / Divorce decree / Death certificate / Adoption decree for all adopted children in the household (photocopies only)
  22. Pet Vaccinations
  23. Reference letters
  24. Septic Tank Letter & Well Water Test
  25. Hague Training Certificate
  26. Gun & Swimming Pool Safety Statements
  27. Vulnerable Person Consent Form

Options 4 Adoption


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